Friday, July 10, 2009


This Weight Watchers experience is annoying the hell out of me. As if it's not hard enough to not eat whatever I want, whenever I want, it really isn't paying off.

In the last 2 weeks I have lost a total of ZERO pounds, and gained a total of .8 pounds. It may not seem like a lot, but by this time last summer I had already lost 10 pounds and right now I have only lost 4.4 thanks to my gain this week.

I am completely frustrated. I am doing everything right and not much different from last summer but for some reason, my body is holding on to absolutely every ounce of fat it can.

It's really really discouraging and unmotivating when I am excersizing a hell of a lot of self control in order to lose this weight and it isn't doing anything. I am sacrificing things I like in order to lose weight, when I could be just eating freely and sitting on my ass all day, and its not paying off.

So what more do I do? All I want to do is give up and go eat an entire pizza by myself.

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