Friday, June 4, 2010

Update from a NON-Slacker

I can't believe it's JUNE. It's finally warm and it feels great. I have been babysitting like a crazy person since I got home (yay, summer job!) for my little ninos and my neighbor,


I started working out every single day. I know, me? Working out? But it's true! 30 minutes a day on the elliptical for 5 days in a row so far plus some arms, abs, and tons of stretching to go with it. For someone who despises exercise, I'm really sticking to it! And it makes me feel really good about myself because I am pushing myself every single day and doing something that I always tell myself I can't do. I'm only drinking water (and coffee, of course) and eating tons of fruit, so hopefully the results will be worth it. I have 50 days to get to where I want to be for my 21st birthday, so I'm really going to try to keep my work out up every day, no slacking!

Also, for anyone who has followed my blog for a while, every summer since I started blogging I have done Weight Watchers with one of my parents. The first summer I lost 15 pounds, felt amazing and it wasn't even hard to do. The second summer, I hardly lost anything and felt very deprived as I watched everyone eat shit all around me. It was tough. So this summer, I am doing it up differently. Still dieting as a summer ritual, but adding working out in there and just being more aware of what I consume. That means no more soda, and lots more fruit and veggies. We'll see how it goes! So far so good, and you KNOW I'll keep updating about it.

I almost feel like a new woman! Tomorrow I am getting my hair colored back to blonde, I'm making money, saving money, catching up and hanging out with old friends, and feeling good about myself right now. Going to try my hardest to keep it up!

Happiness is the key to success, or something so let's try it on for size!


Megan Boucher said...

miss you pretty!! i started working out too! YOU GO GIRL!

Megan Boucher said...
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T. VanWatermeulen said...

Whhaaaat?! No soda?! I'm giving you a ton of credit for that one...sadly, I'd die without it. Also, how can you go back to blonde??? Us brunette folk have to stick together!! Wahh wahh, lol!

Jen said...

I love Weight Watchers!