Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The stats are in, and a thanks are in order!

I just discovered the "Stats" button on here that tracks how many people look at your blog, which posts are the most popular, and where people are looking from. It made me super happy to know that even though I don't have a *ton* of followers, I actually have quite a few people who look at my blog!

I learned that a lot of people look at it through posts on twitter, and even more people look at it through google (which is pretty freaking rad, I must say). The most popular search that comes up is Brianna Swain, who I write about all the time, and secondly is my name. Interesting!

This might seem like a pointless post, but to me it's really exciting. It makes me happy knowing people actually look in this little corner of the internet - and not just in the US! So thank you, to anyone who may be reading this. It means more to me than you know. This blog is my baby and I'm happy to be able to reach even a few people with my words.


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