Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Can't we just skip through March?

I've been daydreaming all day about summer. Full blown, sitting in class gazing off into the horizon, imagining laying by the pool or riding my bike around in shorts or even just walking outside without a jacket on. And then came going to California, having a bonfire, wearing new sunglasses, reading books for fun, visiting family, having motivation to leave the house, driving with the windows rolled down, letting my hair blow around in the wind, blasting music. Hot tubs, swimming pools, laying on the beach, swimming in the ocean, getting sunburned, the smell of aloe vera gel and waking up with a tan. Doesn't it just sound glorious?

But back in reality, it snowed this morning. And I must stop teasing myself because it really is only March.

But oh how I would love to be back in this picture right now.

[3 more to 300!]


Hannah said...

I feel the EXACT same way!! I say next winter we hibernate like bears and don't wake up until mid May! Good plan?!

Hahah! Xoxoxo

Unknown said...

YES that sounds like a PERFECT plan!! I'm so glad I'm not the only one who wants to hibernate hahah

Jen said...

The weather has been strange here in Los Angeles. Very windy and cold. I can't wait for summer :)