Friday, April 8, 2011

Gettin' Down on Friday.

I feel like I JUST did last week's Friday post. That must mean time is flying faster than I expected! I had a pretty stressful week with millions of school things so I'm super glad to have the weekend to catch up on all the craziness I'm so far behind on. How will you spend your weekend? Only like, 3 more of these until it's summer and the weekend EVERY DAY! (for some of us at least....)

1. A song: This is my study song. Whenever I get in the zone with studying (which I did a LOT of this week) I always listen to Angels & Airwaves. Something about them just motivates me. Especially this song - one of my favs by them.

2. A quote: "You cannot know how age thinks and feels. But old men are guilty if they forget what it was to be young." - J.K. Rowling

3. 5 things I learned this week:
-It doesn't matter how much you try to NOT procrastinate, you'll either end up doing it anyways or something will go wrong and you'll be stuck fixing it at the last possible minute.
-Although I have a really busy few weeks coming up, I realized have so many things to look forward to.
-I actually LIKE salads. I've had like 6 this week.
-Learning to say no is a valuable skill.
-A bunch of anthropology stuff that went in one ear and promptly out the other when my test was finished.

4. A picture: Every time I'm walking across campus I just want to take a million pictures because I can't get over how beautiful it is no matter what season we're in.

5. A takeaway: Stressful weeks suck. There's nothing more frustrating than trying to stay on top of things while getting farther and farther behind. But if you can manage to get through the week without dying, then I'd say you're doing a pretty good job. Only a few weeks left to make this semester a great one, so let's get to it!

Have a happy weekend lovers.

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