Friday, May 13, 2011

Friday Oops.

Well, dear readers, I have many excuses for not having my usual Friday post out this week and they are as follows:

1. Blogger was down for the last 2 days and every time I had a chance to get on was forced to resist.
2. I am POOPED after my first week of my internship. Lame excuse, I know.

But instead, I will just give a short, condensed, makeshift version and we'll see how it turns out.

A song: Because my boss played this classic song at work today and it made me realize how lucky I am to be interning in such a cool place.

5 things I learned this week:
-Working 9-5 is a LOT tougher than being a full time student.
-Sitting at a desk in front of a computer all day long REALLY hurts your neck and eyeballs.
-Having an In-N-Out in the same parking lot as your work is bad news (in the best way).
-Sleeping on a futon isn't THAT bad.
-My dad is totally loved at UFC.

A Takeaway: I'm the first person to get major anxiety when faced with an uncomfortable situation, and this week I feel like I really dealt with it in a positive way and put myself out there. I made some great first impressions at work, helped people, got a lot accomplished and learned a lot just by forcing myself to get past my fears. So far the first week of my internship has been great and I'm really excited to continue it all summer. I think it'll feel weird spending a whole summer doing real work, and then going back to school for one more semester, but I think it's a good thing too.

Oh, and as my good friend, Regina pointed out, my desk is looking rather sparse, so if you'd like to send me a letter or something pretty to decorate with, let me know and I'll give you my address and probably love you forever :)

[*And as a quick side note, I totally haven't forgotten about Tanya, Hannah, Kelsey, Emily, or Cory for my homemade gift project - already sent one out recently so I promise I haven't forgotten!]

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