Thursday, May 5, 2011

Half Graduated

Today I finished my certificate in Technology, Arts, and Media and graduated from the program! So even though I'm not technically graduating, I still got to kind of graduate with my graduating class (kind of. Not really, though). So here's me pretending to be all overly excited about my little certificate.

[Sorry it's backwards...]

I knew no one at the ceremony except for a teacher I had last semester who was super excited to see me and congratulate me. It actually made me feel really great and happy to be a part of that program. I'm so glad I decided to do it, and I'm really going to miss it now that it's over because I enjoyed those classes so much and will definitely be using everything I learned from it. Yet another bittersweet ending :)


Hannah said...

Yay!!! This is soo exciting! I just declared a double major in the digital art/media/whatever its called that what this is from?! Details!! xoxox

Unknown said...

AHH YES!! Is it Technology, Arts, and Media?? If that's what you're doing I'm soooo jealous because they only had a minor or certificate when I signed up :( BUT you will have SO much fun with it!!! I basically live in the Atlas building hahah :)

Hannah said...

ahhh I don't know...whatever I am in I believe its called digital media, its photography, film and digital art (maybe those are all the same as what you are saying haha!) but i heard it was a brand new program!