Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Back from Pittsburgh!

Back in action! Well, sort of. This is the first time I've had both a few spare minutes AND internet at my sister's in weeks so I'm attempting to take full advantage.

I just got back from Pittsburgh!! It was so much fun and such a good experience for me. I got to bond with the team, see some of the town, and now I have another fight (and a business trip) under my belt. It was a lot of work but worth every second.

[The Chelsi at Heinz Field]

[Beautiful view of Pittsburgh]

[Mama Heidi]

As soon as we got back we had to catch up for the next fight that's this weekend. From one fight week to the next, it's fast paced and I love it.

But before all this Pittsburgh excitement happened, I moved in with my sister! It's been really good so far. There are of course times when we start annoying each other or disagree or say something that makes the other one mad, but we're finally getting to have an adult relationship and it's something I've always wanted so I'm super happy to be here with her.

I'm looking forward to this weekend for so many reasons - it's going to be one of the best of the whole summer! I remember writing a post a few weeks ago about how I was starting to feel a little homesick, but that seems so far away now. I'm loving it here and I'm more happy than I have been in years. At first I was so glad to get to go back for another semester, but now I'm starting to feel like going back to school might set me back. Not that I'm actually considering not going back or anything, I still am, don't get me wrong. But part of me is kind of wishing I had caught up and graduated already so I could be starting my life right now and not be in such an awkward place. I guess I go back and forth in my head a lot. One day I can't wait to go back to school and the next I'm perfectly content with staying here forever. Fickle, I know. I'm just in a really good place right now and I want to hang onto it for as long as I can. I know when I get back and actually DO graduate I'll be freaking out all over again. Someday I'll be in a stable, long term place and it'll be great. I have lots to look forward to.

Anyways, I miss you. "You" being my blog, and my avid readers - all 37 of you. I hope you're summers are wonderful and you are as happy as I am.

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