Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Trying new things.

Remember my new years resolutions? How I wanted to put myself out there more, try new things, say yes more often, and have tons of exciting experiences? I haven't forgotten. I think about it everyday. Especially since I've been in Vegas all summer, not knowing anyone and only having my internship to keep me busy. Anyways, I've really been trying to have some new experiences and say yes to everything because what do I have to lose? This is the perfect time for me to come out of my shell and try new things.

So last night my sister wanted to take me roller skating. As you may recall if you're an avid reader (which I know you all MUST be!), my sister is a roller derby chick and the girl knows her way around a skating rink. I've always admired her for it because it's so unique and she's having the time of her life doing it. So I said yes and I went skating with her last night. The place turned out to be junk but it was actually a lot of fun for me. I had a great time and I'm really glad I decided to go - I'll definitely be going again.

[What do you think? I should totally be a derby doll, right?]

I also got to meet a lot of her derby friends from LA this weekend which was awesome! I had the chance to say no after a really tiring week but I'm so glad I thought better and went out with them because it ended up being one of the best weekends I've had since I came out here. Her friends are seriously awesome.

It feels really good to branch out, meet new people, try new things and not have to hold anything back. It's cheesy but it's like the me that's been inside and waiting to surface for a while. And I like it. I'm super content right now and it feels great. :)

1 comment:

Hannah said...

Oh my goodness that looks so fun! I am so horrible on skates of any kind...I'm envious of your sister!! And yay for new years resolutions that are remembered!! I just wish I could remember mine now...hahaha!