Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Tuesday Top Ten

Today's top ten list is brought to you by the ending of the first month of the year. 
So, as I kiss this month's ass goodbye I bring you, 
The Top Ten Things I Learned in January, 2012.

10. Extended winter break's are not as fun when you're not in school.
Whenever you're in school you think, "wow, winter break really flew by!" or "gosh, I would do anything for just one more week!" But when you don't have school to go back to, that "extra week" is not so much fun. And neither is the week after that. Or the week after that. Or the week after that.

9. Being unemployed is a full-time job.
Seriously though, it's not. But it kind of is. I've learned that when you're on the job hunt, you get a little obsessive over the search. For instance, I pretty much sit on the computer all day everyday waiting and hoping that new jobs in my field will be posted any second. And when a new one pops up, well you can just imagine the excitement (and let's just not even try to compare it to anything that is actually exciting). I'm trying to stay off the computer but then I just feel like the deadbeat I currently am.

8. It is possible to not be allergic to anything and still break out in hives.
It is also possible to be so stressed out while unemployed and having virtually no responsibilities that you break out in hives. Be warned people, this is a disease.

7. Gotye rocks my world.
So technically I was introduced to him over Thanksgiving break, but his stuff really started resonating with me at the beginning of the year. I became addicted and started finding this nerdy geek of a person with crooked teeth, sexy. And aside from "Somebody That I Used To Know" that's quickly become an internet phenomenon, his other stuff is fantastic as well. This one (creepy, horrifying video aside) is my favorite.

6. Country bars are actually kind of fun.
I know. Me, the girl that pretty much doesn't listen to any country music and doesn't have an ounce of hick in her was dragged to a country bar last weekend. And ya know what? I actually had fun. I didn't realize that every song ever made has a dance associated with it and that people go to these bars to have fun dancing with someone without trying to sweat balls and get low all night until you can't walk the next day. I was impressed. And moreover, I would willingly go back! I must be evolving.


5. Spending time with my god-sister rocks my world.
I am loving living closer to Lindsey because it means frequent Menchies dates, happy hours, country bar experiences, and lots of quality time. It. has. been. awesome. Plus, it guarantees me a date for Valentine's day and trust me when I say there is no one on the planet I would rather spend the worst holiday ever invented with.

4. The heart, does in fact, have an emotional cap.
This one was one lesson I had been waiting to learn for probably years but didn't actually learn it until this month. There is only so much one heart can handle until it just shuts down for a while. And that's ok, and I'm ok with it. I'm at peace with the fact that mine is capped off for a while. And it's a good thing. My expectations of people in general have been immensely lowered which has made room for some pleasant surprises.

3. Never mix vodka and tequila.
We'll just leave it at that. I thought it was common sense, but then again sometimes your sense of common sense is desensitized and, well, you can imagine the rest.

2. A trip to Disneyland can cure just about anything you're going through.
It really can, though. I was not in such a good place before that trip and it knocked my ass right back into shape. Amazingly I woke up the next morning feeling like a brand new person in a whole new world and ever since have felt much better about life in general. Disneyland: Cheaper than therapy. And more fun.

1. I want to move back to LA someday.
I've really always known this, but my recent trip just reminded me that someday I will make it back there. I think I belong in California and this whole 10+ years in Colorado, Kansas, and Las Vegas will soon just be a bump in my journey back to where I was meant to be. I'm going to work hard to get back there someday (even if it's not right now), and I don't think I'll feel like looking back when I get there.

1 comment:

Chelsea Clay said...

I already knew almost all of these things, but I am glad to read more about your thoughts on each one of them :) Love you Chel!!!