Sunday, April 29, 2012

The Mylo Xylotour

You might be wondering why it's been a full 4 days since I saw the concert we all knew would change my life and I haven't written about it yet. The truth is, I've been speechless since the second it ended. When I think about the show, all I can do is sit here and smile and shake my head and think "that REALLY happened." It was more incredible than I could have even imagined. It was like a much needed full-system reset that turned my world upside down (and now my feet won't touch the ground - had to).

When Connor and I bought our tickets back in December, we sprung for what we thought was a pretty high price bracket. And since we didn't have a map of Key Arena in Seattle, but landed with 17th row seats, we assumed we would be sitting pretty. However, the Coldplay gods must have known that the two biggest fans in that arena were going to be sitting in the 3rd bowl way in the back so they somehow managed to get us hooked up with an upgrade to 5th row floor seats. Yes, people. 5TH ROW. FLOOR. SEATS. We almost cried as we looked up into section 214 and realized where we almost were, and where we ended up. It was a miracle for sure.

Stage so close behind us
When we got into the arena they handed us wristbands to wear that lit up with the show. It was incredible to see every single person in the audience lighting up in neon colors, jumping up and down to the beat of their new album. When they came out on stage my brother turned to me with wide eyes and said "THEY'RE REAL." It sounds so cheesy, but that's how we felt. We have this band up on a giant pedestal, and there they were in the flesh, just mere feet in front of us singing the songs that have brought us close to each other and gotten us through some unimaginable times, both good and bad. It was one of those moments you just know you'll never, ever, ever forget because it rocks your whole world.

I've never been to a show with such high production quality - everything was big and dramatic and loud and colorful and every second that passed I was more and more impressed. I'm not gonna lie, at one point in the show I was moved to tears (totally expected). I had goosebumps. I was screaming. I was crying. And I thought to myself, "nothing in the world has ever made me as happy as I am right now." And that's pretty close to not being an exaggeration. I was in a state of euphoria and I rode that high for days.

After the show my brother and I got in the car and drove all the way back to my hotel in silence. We really just couldn't speak, and we had this silent understanding between us that there were no words for what we just experienced together. I woke up the next morning and got ready for the day in complete silence. I've never been so speechless in my life about anything - and for someone that loves to talk that's saying something. I couldn't gather my thoughts enough to formulate words to describe how I was feeling. And I still can't. I've never been so moved and inspired and happy. Seeing Coldplay really changed my life and I'll never forget that experience. It was worth every penny I dropped on that trip, and I probably could die happy having seen them play live.

I was super sad as I crossed "See Coldplay live with my brother" off my bucket list, 
but so happy that I was lucky enough to finally get to see them play. 
It shook me to the very core of my being.
I couldn't be happier.

1 comment:

jackwestrop said...

That was the most awesome post I ever read... I saw Coldplay in London with a girl I really like, we were getting on great, REALLY enjoyed the concert, then afterwards, silence... we were completely speechless all the way back to the tube station