Sunday, July 22, 2012


Yesterday I turned the ripe old age of 23! Ok, I know it's not "old" but I definitely feel like I'm getting up there! Mid-twenties - what up! Alright, it still doesn't sound old. Which is precisely why I still felt the need to do something fun and exciting to celebrate this non-milestone. 

(And I still can't believe it's been a whole two years since my epic 21st birthday celebration)

So instead of doing the overplayed "I live in Vegas and therefore I must go out on the strip for my birthday" scenario, I decided to do something a little different, but equally as exciting and fulfilling in my eyes. Since I'm lucky enough to have a birthday in the summer, I thought it would be really fun to go out and have some fun in the sun. So my god-sisters Courtney and Lindsey took me out on a boat on Lake Mead for the day. We swam in the sun roasted water, floated around on blow up chairs with a beer in our hands, rode a wave runner around in search of some alleged big horned sheep (which I never did find), and just relaxed in the sun. It was the perfect combination of excitement and relaxation.

When it was over and we headed back to town, I was feeling the exhaustion set in from being in the sun all day. But I managed to rally when I got home and attempted to make myself presentable for dinner at the Melting Pot with my parents and Lindsey. Of course we did the whole four course fondue meal (how can you not?!) which included cheese fondue, salads, tons of meat, and chocolate fondue for dessert. Talk about a celebratory meal. I was in fondue heaven while slowly sinking into a sun/food coma.

When we got home it was raining and nothing sounded better to me than throwing on my pajamas and cuddling up on the couch to watch UFC 149 with my dad. It was the most perfect ending to the most perfect day that could only have been made better if Urijah Faber had clenched the Interim Belt.

Don't I look just like my dad?
Today I'm still trying to shake off the exhaustion, but feeling very thankful for such a great day. The many birthday wishes I received from friends and family made me feel so special (and if you didn't wish me a happy birthday, then FRIENDSHIP OVER! - kidding, kind of) and I could not have asked for a more perfect way to begin my 24th year of life. I can't wait to see where this new year will take me, but I know big things are on the horizon and I'm pumped to see where I'm headed and where I'll be exactly one year from now.

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