Thursday, November 1, 2012

We can do it!

You guys. Something awesome happened today.

Yesterday was Halloween. I wasn't as into it this year as I was last year, and at one point the night before I almost just gave up on my costume all together. But I hung on for the childhood thrill of pretending to be someone else for a day. We all need that every once in a while.

So I decided to go as Rosie the Riveter. I know it's overdone and probably cliche, but it's also an election year so I thought it was fitting. Plus, she's an icon and a total bad ass and I needed a little bad assery in my life for a moment. So I dawned my red lipstick and wore that bandana to work.

I had my friend and co-worker, Julie take a picture of me in the "Rosie Pose" from my iPhone - simply for the joy of Instagramming it. But of course, being in social media I had to also share out on Facebook and Twitter and Tumblr.

Turns out, someone from the Obama campaign (or maybe Obama himself? I dream...) saw my picture and reblogged it. And in the last 2 hours it's gotten over 2,000 re-blogs and likes, putting a HUGE smile on my face.

Mostly because, we CAN do it. And beyond the Halloween costume, I believe in it. I believe in our president and I believe in women's rights and I feel damn good knowing that my little Instagram picture is getting shared around. Thanks for the support, world.

Also, I guess it's been officially decided via tumblr that my new doppelganger is Hilary Duff. Or Lizzie McGuire, if you will.

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