Friday, August 2, 2013

Sweetness in Seattle.

Last weekend I returned to Seattle for my little brother's big 21st birthday. The other two times I've been there were both so special in their own right, so I was really looking forward to going back. This trip was no different, except that it may have been even MORE special because of a few select guest stars - Uncles Prescott & Paul, and my best friend from high school, Katie, who's living in Washington this summer. Side note: Seeing her was the best part of my summer, hands down. If love equals happiness, then this girl is the love of my life. For sure.

It was a quick 3-day weekend, we flew in on Friday afternoon and flew back Sunday afternoon (in time to pop off 3 episodes of Orange is the New Black which everyone on the trip was raving about. Turns out it's my new obsession, but back to the point). We got to spend some quality family time and explore the city a bit, which I've decided I need to come back and do more of. The next time I make the trip up to the Pacific North West, I'm staying longer than 3 days and hopefully will have a back healthy enough to walk around the hilly city and see it all.

Seattle is such an inspiring town. It's so big compared to Downtown Las Vegas and there's so many unique things I have yet to explore. It's a dream of mine to get lost in the city on a rainy day, pop into a coffee shop, and just let my fingers flow for hours. I think I could imagine living there one day, and each time I go back I'm reminded that I CAN live there, if I ever decided to take the plunge. Eeeek.

Anyways, my baby brother is 21 now and I got to take him out drinking for the first time ever. This is a big deal people, because Connor doesn't drink. Not that I wanted him to turn him into a lush, but I wanted to have that experience with him and now I'm looking forward to sharing a beer with him over dinner, or a glass of wine on Christmas, or taking him into a bar in my 'hood next time he's in town. The possibilities are endless. I remember when I was 20 and all my friends were legal except for me and I felt like I was missing out on the whole world because I couldn't set foot in a bar. I'm excited to be able to share the places I go and the social aspect of sharing a drink over some good conversation with Connor.

The first-ever sibling shot: A Buttery Nipple. Let this go down in history.
Cheers, little bro. I love you more each day.

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