Thursday, May 27, 2010

Summer, Finally

My Maymester class has officially ended
Which means I can officially say

Anthropology was HARD.
Very interesting, but hard.
Glad to be done and moving on.

Here's some things to look forward to this summer:
Babysitting my little ninos again!!!
Turning 21 (fin-a-friggen-lly)
Friend Danielle's wedding,
Lady Gaga Concert (ohhh yeahhhhh)
and lots of sunshine with R&R.

I love summer.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Happy Graduation, Brother!

My baby brother is officially a high school graduate!
In the fall he will head to the University of Seattle
to study Environmental Science.

[Cutest picture, ever]

It is so bittersweet.
What a happy accomplishment
and the beginning of a wonderful new chapter.
But at the same time, the end
of a very long ride in the public schooling system.

I am so proud of my brother.
He graduated with an honors GPA,
a member of National Honor Society
and National Spanish Honor Society,
and a bunch of awards and scholarships to his name.

[Proud family]

Congratulations, Connor!

You did it.
Onto new, bigger, and more exciting things
in Seattle, Washington.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Quote of the Week

"Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring."
-Marilyn Monroe

[She has the best quotes.]
[I think we would have been best friends.]

Looking to be inspired.
Looking to be more confident.
Looking for something awesome.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Truly Inspiring Message

This video is incredible.
A man born with no arms or legs
who gives the most inspirational message about life.
I think I needed this right now.
There are times when I feel so insecure about myself,
not good enough, not worthy, self conscious.
This was like a reality check.
Things could be much worse, and I am not nearly
as appreciative about life and all I have
as I should be.
Life is beautiful
and it is filled with beautiful people like him
who overcome obstacles and inspire others to do the same.
Love others, Love yourself.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Feelings of the Night.

(I used to do this on Myspace all the time, HA.)

Tonight I'm feeling sentimental.
I finally finished finals and am now home for 4 days.
I love going home,
sleeping in my bed that I've had since I was a child,
seeing my cats and crazy dog,
spending time with my family.
But pretty soon this will no longer be my "home"
and it makes me really sad.

The first thing I saw when I pulled onto my street this afternoon
was a huge wooden "for sale" sign in my yard.
I've moved before,
but that doesn't make this any easier.

My mom made me clean out my closet tonight
so it was "sell-house worthy"
and I ended up throwing out 2 trash bags full of stuff.
Old teddy bears, some old diving stuff,
but after we move,
where do I put everything I want to keep?
I can't just throw away every single memory, ya know?

Anyways, that's my sentimental thought for the night.
I will miss this bed I've slept in since I was 3.
And my overwhelmingly bright green bedroom.
It's seen me through a lot.