Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Can't Find the Big "I"

Inspiration, is the Big "I."
I go through these phases where I have tons to say and write about and I can't wait to update, and then I go through this, where I can't find a single meaningful thing in my mind to say. Nothing inspiring me to write or be creative, and it's frustrating. So, instead, for the sake of posting and getting some juices flowing here, I'm just going to list off a few things on my mind. Sound good? Maybe. We'll see.

1. For the last few days I have been trying to pack my room up. Our house hasn't sold or anything, but as soon as it does I probably won't have the time to go home and pack everything. So instead I've been doing it bit by bit, only keeping about 4 boxes of important memories, the rest will either come with me to my tiny Boulder apartment, or be sold in a garage sale that can't come soon enough. It's making me sad though, going through so much of my stuff that's been untouched for years. It's funny, I don't remember packing my room up at ALL when we left California. But now, I'm going through everything I own and realizing that I have tons of memories from my 9 years in this house and I'm really going to miss it. I really never thought I would ever believe Colorado to be my home, but I must say: it's grown on me over the years.

2. I'm going to Glendo, Wyoming this weekend with my friend Taylor and his family, and also with Erin and her family. I've never been but I guess it's a lake in WY so I'm excited to get some much needed sun and relaxation. The only downside is my dad is coming home this weekend and I won't be able to see him, which is a huge bummer.

3. KATIE IS COMING HOME FROM IRELAND ON SUNDAY NIGHT!!!!!! Needless to say I'm a little excited. I haven't seen her in 2 months and I've been missing her like freakin' crazy! Plus, it's the end of summer so we have to make up for some lost time and celebrate before things get crazy again. I can't believe how fast it went by, but I also feel like I haven't seen her in years!

4. I've been in the mood to paint and decorate lately. I have this jewelry box that looks like a dresser, it has 6 drawers and each one is labeled for what you put in it.. like earrings, necklaces, rings, etc. Anyways, it's very childish looking. But I am SO in the mood to just paint the entire thing white and then draw on it or something instead of getting rid of it. At least my creative juices are somewhat flowing (even though I'm basically the worst artist of all time....)

5. I'm thinking about changing my hair again. I just feel like I need a change, ya know? Big time in my life: just turned 21, my family is moving, I'm going to (kind of) be a senior in college... gotta go with it, right? Can't decide if I should go dark again or just touch up my highlights and then go dark in the fall, or maybe even cut it a little shorter? Not TOO short though (last time I did that I hated my life for a whole year until it grew back) just a couple inches off for a new-ish look. I don't know, I'm bad at making these decisions on my own. And don't even THINK about asking anyone for advice or opinions on it because all I ever get is half people saying dark, half saying blond or "whatever you want" or "I like both." Well, I don't KNOW what I want, I don't KNOW what looks good, and no you DON'T like both, you're just saying that so you don't have to help me. PSH.

6. I still haven't come up with any goals for myself. I guess I don't really feel like I have anything to work towards at the moment, so maybe just maintenance is best. It's really taking me forever to make decisions lately and it's driving me insane.

7. I wish I had unlimited money so I could just buy the things I want. I wouldn't even buy really expensive things, just the few things here and there that I want/need. Like right now, I want these shoes I've been looking at, I need some new uggs for winter (I know, I suck, ok? they're warm), I want my Tragus pierced, and to fill up my gas tank all the way. Is that too much to ask?!

8. I saw on the news tonight that some guy got fired from the Army for being gay. Now THIS is about to turn into a rant because I can't for the life of me, comprehend how in this incredible time of need, where our country needs people to be fighting for us and contributing and serving, that we would FIRE someone because of their sexual orientation. ARE YOU JOKING ME. Why in this god-forsaken world ANYONE would join up these days is beyond me. People in the military are treated like crap and it's so sad to see them devote their lives to serving this country, only to be treated like this. If Obama does not repeal "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" soon, no part of me will ever understand why another human being would ever join up again. What does being gay have to do with ANYTHING????? Does being homosexual make you any less able to serve this country than a heterosexual? It's appalling and makes absolutely NO sense whatsoever. Highly annoyed by this nonsense.

Ok I'm done. Glad I got something down. Time to watch some mindless television and enjoy sleeping in this bed I've had since I was 3 for literally one of the last times.

1 comment:

Katie K. said...

I come home soon, yay!! I can't wait to see you either Chelsea! I'm making my Dad drive us through Taco Bell on our way back from the airport, but I will call you as soon as I get my hands on my Blackberry. YAYAY!