Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Back from Pittsburgh!

Back in action! Well, sort of. This is the first time I've had both a few spare minutes AND internet at my sister's in weeks so I'm attempting to take full advantage.

I just got back from Pittsburgh!! It was so much fun and such a good experience for me. I got to bond with the team, see some of the town, and now I have another fight (and a business trip) under my belt. It was a lot of work but worth every second.

[The Chelsi at Heinz Field]

[Beautiful view of Pittsburgh]

[Mama Heidi]

As soon as we got back we had to catch up for the next fight that's this weekend. From one fight week to the next, it's fast paced and I love it.

But before all this Pittsburgh excitement happened, I moved in with my sister! It's been really good so far. There are of course times when we start annoying each other or disagree or say something that makes the other one mad, but we're finally getting to have an adult relationship and it's something I've always wanted so I'm super happy to be here with her.

I'm looking forward to this weekend for so many reasons - it's going to be one of the best of the whole summer! I remember writing a post a few weeks ago about how I was starting to feel a little homesick, but that seems so far away now. I'm loving it here and I'm more happy than I have been in years. At first I was so glad to get to go back for another semester, but now I'm starting to feel like going back to school might set me back. Not that I'm actually considering not going back or anything, I still am, don't get me wrong. But part of me is kind of wishing I had caught up and graduated already so I could be starting my life right now and not be in such an awkward place. I guess I go back and forth in my head a lot. One day I can't wait to go back to school and the next I'm perfectly content with staying here forever. Fickle, I know. I'm just in a really good place right now and I want to hang onto it for as long as I can. I know when I get back and actually DO graduate I'll be freaking out all over again. Someday I'll be in a stable, long term place and it'll be great. I have lots to look forward to.

Anyways, I miss you. "You" being my blog, and my avid readers - all 37 of you. I hope you're summers are wonderful and you are as happy as I am.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Has it suuuuriously been over a week since I blogged?

Quick update on my life right this moment: I moved in with my sister last weekend (love it) and I'm going to Pittsburgh tomorrow for the fight on Versus this weekend! I'm so excited and can't wait to share what this experience is going to be like. I feel so lucky and so happy all the time right now and I never want this feeling to go away.

Anyways, I hate hate HATE that I'm not blogging as much as I want to. But rest assured, there's a long update in the works as soon as I get back from PA that will include a meeting with Janelle Monae, Bruno Mars, a new office for the Chelsi, Pittsburgh awesomeness, and everything in between.

Going to Pittsburgh, BRB!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Trying new things.

Remember my new years resolutions? How I wanted to put myself out there more, try new things, say yes more often, and have tons of exciting experiences? I haven't forgotten. I think about it everyday. Especially since I've been in Vegas all summer, not knowing anyone and only having my internship to keep me busy. Anyways, I've really been trying to have some new experiences and say yes to everything because what do I have to lose? This is the perfect time for me to come out of my shell and try new things.

So last night my sister wanted to take me roller skating. As you may recall if you're an avid reader (which I know you all MUST be!), my sister is a roller derby chick and the girl knows her way around a skating rink. I've always admired her for it because it's so unique and she's having the time of her life doing it. So I said yes and I went skating with her last night. The place turned out to be junk but it was actually a lot of fun for me. I had a great time and I'm really glad I decided to go - I'll definitely be going again.

[What do you think? I should totally be a derby doll, right?]

I also got to meet a lot of her derby friends from LA this weekend which was awesome! I had the chance to say no after a really tiring week but I'm so glad I thought better and went out with them because it ended up being one of the best weekends I've had since I came out here. Her friends are seriously awesome.

It feels really good to branch out, meet new people, try new things and not have to hold anything back. It's cheesy but it's like the me that's been inside and waiting to surface for a while. And I like it. I'm super content right now and it feels great. :)

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Partially Homeless.

"Oh very young, what will you leave us this time?
You're only dancing on the earth for a short while.

And though your dreams may toss and turn you now...
They will vanish away like your dad's best jeans - denim blue, faded up to the sky.
And though you want them to last forever you know they never will.
You know they never will.
And the patches make the goodbye harder still."
-Cat Stevens

[Nothing is perfect, and nothing lasts forever.]

The big move finally happened. It's been really weird for me. I haven't talked about it with anyone because I've been trying to kind of not pay attention to it. I already grieved, had my goodbyes, and attempted to cope with it and I didn't really want to re-hash all those emotions again while I'm trying to focus on my internship. So oddly for me, I didn't really bring it up to anyone (yet here I am writing about it, I guess). The date came and went and I just kind of let it happen, and it happened fast. Within a matter of minutes I went from being alone in the apartment to over-crowded and kissing any personal space I had goodbye.

So here we are. We no longer have a house as of right now. We no longer reside in Colorado. It kind of feels like I'm watching this whole thing from a distance. I don't want to get too close to the situation so I can protect myself from falling into a hole. If you know me at all, you know that it's REALLY weird for me to not let my emotions get involved. But I just feel it's in my best interest to keep a distance for now.

The only thing really affecting me at this moment is the lack of sleep. Living in an apartment with 2 cats who sleep all day and want to play with my face all night plus a dog who we have to keep hidden inside all day long because she's not allowed to be there, PLUS my mom who wakes up earlier than I do (and I wake up at 7am every day for work!!) and you have one Chelsea who hasn't slept in days. It's made me very cranky. Like to the point where I've caught myself on numerous occasions going off on ten minute long tangents about something miniscule like someone parking like an asshole at Trader Joe's. All I want to do is kick my feet up on this desk and....

And on top of that, all three animals are so stressed out from the move and have decided that my futon bed is like, the greatest thing to ever happen to them and are using it as their personal napping and playing area. I feel like I have a permanent cat hair lodged in my nasal cavity causing me to excessively sneeze and break out in hives every night while I *attempt* to sleep. I wish I was exaggerating right now.

[side note: I do love my animals very much.]

We went out to a "celebratory" dinner the other night and toasted to "a new chapter." It's very fitting for my parents and sister, but for me - I kind of feel like I'm balancing on a tight rope between two chapters right now. On one side, I'm still in my college chapter, and on the other I'm getting ready to move onto the next. It's just an awkward place to be in. Part of me is ready and part of me is scared to death to leave everything else behind. But at this time, I don't feel like toasting. Or talking about it. Honestly all I want right now is a few minutes to myself with no animals or people in my face. Maybe one good night of sleep. I'm considering buying myself a hotel room for one night - is that a reasonable purchase?

This is the most substantial post I've been able to do in a while and I'm sad to end it but I must get back to work. Appreciate your homes and families, even if they drive you crazy sometimes. As hard as this move is, I appreciate the hell out of them for everything.

A partially homeless Chelsea

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Introducing Chelsea.

Not me, silly.
The other Chelsea.

This is Chelsea #2 at the internship.
Together we are known as Chelsea 1 & 2,
Chelsea squared,
or my personal favorite,
The Chels-i.

I'm already obsessed with this girl.
She's my other half at UFC.
It's been 2 weeks and we already finish each others sentences.
In between spending 40 hours a week together plus events every weekend,
we're still somehow managing to find time to hit up some pool-side concerts at Red Rock Casino.
And as our awesome boss reminds us on the reg,
we kick ass.
(And take names. But he didn't say that part, I did.)

Most of all, the Chels-i love our internship and everything that comes with it.
Be expecting more from this duo all summer.