Sunday, February 8, 2009


Someone is following me! Honestly, it has not been the greatest day, lemme just get that out there, and that totally made it better. So, for my follower, Zoe, I don't know how to message you or if i even can, but thanks, you made my night. :)

This week is going to suck really bad. For real. I dont even want to talk about it, thats how bad it is going to be. I wish there was a way i could skip out on it.

So i saw "He's just not that into you" last night. I read the book a couple years ago but the movie i must say was pretty good. Chick flick for sure, but good nonetheless. It's still one of those things though thats like, true, but you still dont want to hear it. I kinda touched on this on my last post but really, lets get serious, who wants to hear that line about someone you really like? or even love? no one. "Hes just not that into you chelsea" ....oh gee, thanks. i think i might go kill myself now. thats what it really feels like.

I get to go home in 2 weeks. I am really excited. I was barely home over winter break when i was supposed to be home for a month. i was so excited to get to go home and then it was cut short. so hopefully the 2 days i get to go home for will make up for that a little bit. Spring break is going to be really great though. at least i hope.

So i am considering transfering schools. I have already started filling out my boulder application but i have to write a couple essays and stuff. It was really hard the apply fo schools the first time around so i dont know why i am putting myself through this again. its just that im not completly happy, and i think i deserve to be. I know transfering would be taking a step back, i would have to retake some classes and stuff but i am already gonna be in school for longer than 4 years so i guess it doesnt matter? Its such a hard decision. I wish someone would make it for me.

I cant really think of anything much to say tonight, but i am just really glad that someone wanted to read my blog. it totally made my shitty day better :)


Anonymous said...

I got an email if maybe u wanna contact me that way or else u can just leave comments on my blog. maybe i erased the comments thing? i dunno i'll check .. but my email is

Unknown said...

well i tried to leave a comment on your blog but it wouldnt let me. maybe ill email you if you dont think thats creepy or anything. im not like an internet stalker or something haha