Saturday, June 27, 2009


Michael Jackson currently holds 49 of the top 100 itunes downloads, and 9 of the top 10 albums on itunes. Talk about a legend.

I still feel like I am mourning the death of him. I feel like a family member died with my state of absolute melancholy-ness. I feel kind of numb, actually. Like a piece of me really did die along with him. He was so influential and inspirational. It just seems so surreal.

I know a lot of people keep mentioning that Farah Faucett's "thunder was stolen" when Michael Jackson died on the same day, but the way I see it...we all half expected her to leave us. She has had a rare form of cancer for years and had even been doing a documentary/biography on it, so we all knew it was only a matter of time, as harsh as that may sounds. MJ on the other hand....came out of no where. Maybe that's the reason it just doesn't feel real.

I have actually cried twice. And I am not one to cry much in movies or TV shows or even when a celebrity dies...I just don't always have the emotional capacity for tears at everything. But this...this was life altering to me. Maybe it has to do with the fact that I knew him? Or maybe it was just because of the shock, but either way I still feel completely and utterly in denial.

I find myself staring at walls and humming "You Are Not Alone" at random times. He was a truely amazing artist and to have such an impact on the world that everyone forgets about todays artists in order to put him back at the top says so much about his accomplishments and influence on the world. He truely will be missed. More than missed, if that's possible.

I have no doubts that his legendary status will live on, and I will have my children grow up the same way I did listening to his music from a young age. He will always be the King Of Pop, and I hope he is smiling down from heaven right now, realizing how much he truely did for the world and how much he impacted all of our lives. Whatever the autopsy results show, doesn't matter. He is in a happier place now where he can be whoever he wants to be, with no one to judge or stop him.

Rest In Peace, Michael. <3

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