Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Brianna Swain.

I'm not one for posting my heart to the public, but this is my blog, and this was my friend. And my little sister figure.

Dear Bri,

I hated you when I met you. I thought your little punk-ass-14-year-old-self wanted to steal my boyfriend away from me. But somehow, we became friends. I started giving you rides to and from school and we started opening up to each other. I used to take you to King Soopers after school for ice cream with my little brother and we would talk about life. You ran up to me and gave me a huge hug on one of the hardest days of my entire life, and that's something I never have forgotten. I tried my best to look out for you. You were like my little sister for a while, and I hope you would remember me as a sister figure for you too.

I'm sorry we didn't stay close when I went of to school. I'm sorry we never got together for a girls lunch like we always talked about. I'm sorry I didn't try harder to help you through hard times. I'm sorry I gave up when I went to school. I should have kept acting like your older sister and kept looking out for you. I hope you will remember me for the times we did have together, because I will always remember you for that loving hug that I needed so badly that one hard day.

I wish we would have taken a picture together. I wish this hadn't happened so soon. I'm having a hard time contemplating how your life was cut so short when we have barely even lived. All I know is that you lived your life the way you wanted to. Whether I agreed with some of your choices or not, I admire so much that you lived your life with no regrets and loved every minute of it. Never let anything get you down or get in your way. That is one thing you have taught me, and I will take away from knowing you.

One thing is for sure, you will never be forgotten. You made an impact on everyone around you. No one is a saint. Let the haters hate, but you Bri, you made your life worthwhile. I hope wherever you are now, you have taken it with you. I don't think this will ever not be a shock to me. I hope you know that I would have done anything for you. I would have always been here for you whether we were close or not, because you were like my little sister. I would have always looked out for you. You have opened my eyes to how fragile life is, and I will try to live it to the fullest, like you did.

Brianna, you are loved.

1 comment:

Shane Willison said...

I can't believe it took me this long to find this, Chelsea.

But you couldn't have said it any better. Bri is my best friend, and always will be. She taught me that no matter what life throws at you, for some reason, you always have a reason to keep on going.
You never have a reason to give up, or let down, or even put your head down.
I know she is up there doin the same thing, watchin out for us, and wishin she was down here to jump me when I walk around corners, and I know we wish she was down here, too.
I love you Bri, you mean the world to us. I hope you remember that.
