Thursday, July 15, 2010

Carole King changed my life last night.

Last night James Taylor and Carole King were in town and my family and I (minus my dad, sadly) were lucky enough to get FREE tickets! Usually when you get free tickets you can't expect too much, right? Well, we were in the SECOND row. The stage was in the center of the arena and it rotated around in slow circles the whole night so each section of the audience was able to see everything. It was incredible. We were SO close to them! Like I could see details in their faces!

I've seen James Taylor in concert about 7 times now (which is funny because all night my brother and I kept getting asked if we were having fun or if we were forced to be there with our mom) but this was my first time seeing Carole King and let me tell you... I was blown away. That woman is an incredible performer and she has the most amazing chemistry with James Taylor (who is one of my favorite artists of all time).

The whole show just kept getting better and better. They played all my favorite songs of theirs, and being in the second row (this was my FIRST time seeing him/them so close!) made it so much more emotional and sentimental to me. I felt like crying tears of amazement when she sang "So Far Away" because I just felt so connected! It was absolutely amazing.

Of course, I see James Taylor every year with my mom; it's like our little tradition now, rain or shine (and I mean that literally - we've seen him in the pouring rain before) and now I would be thrilled to see Carole King again, but seeing them TOGETHER was unbelievable. Who knows if that opportunity will ever happen again, so I feel so honored to have experienced that. They defined a huge generation of music that I have been listening to since I was a wee little nino, so I will cherish that experience forever.

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