Thursday, January 13, 2011

A Blogging Challenge!

[Part of my new years resolution was about finding new ways to be creative, as well as taking risks and putting myself out there more. So I came across this thing a lot of people are doing on facebook that in normal circumstances I probably wouldn't participate in, but this one seems to connect with something I'm looking for this year - so I'm thinking, why not?]

It says something like: I promise to send something handmade to the first five people who comment here - rules are the item must be handmade and sent within the 2011 year.

I'm thinking of changing it up a bit. Since I'm not overwhelmingly crafty, I'll make it something semi-handmade - tailored specifically to each person who comments and sent within the next couple of months (also, I won't require that you repost this in order to play). I think it sounds like a fun way to do something creative and also to give back to the awesome people who read my blog. And, if I happen to get more than 5 comments I will definitely send something to everyone :)

Let's play, friends!


T. VanWatermeulen said...

I like this new creative thing that you've got going...awesome chalupa. Also, since I'm the first person to comment, does that mean that my gift will be the biggest?? Jk, lol :)

Emily Lozow said...

I want to play, I love this idea! PS. You. Me. Food. Pajamas. Golden Globes. Sunday Night?

kelsey hagberg said...


Brendan H. said...

Haha I'm glad that I caught this on time! Getting something from you would be awesome! Hope all is well friend!

Cory said...

I want to be #5. I love you. You're still my idol. :)

Hannah said...

awwh i want to join this happy challenge!!