Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Happy Birthday: My Soulmate.

Today is my best friend, Cory's 22nd birthday! (Wait, remember when we were like, 7?!) Of course a birthday message is in order, but for this girl, a special one.

There is not a thing in the world that I am more grateful for than my 16 year friendship with Cory. Not only have we been tied at the hip since 1st grade, but we have somehow managed to stay tied through miles of distance, state to state and sometimes even country to country. Though we've been tested with distance since we were 11, at 22 years old we've always know that our friendship can withstand anything that's thrown our way.

There's no better way to put it: she's my soulmate. She is the one person in the world who has been there through good and bad, seen me at my best and worst, and has loved me unconditionally and unwavering through it all (even that time when I slapped her in 5th grade....). I couldn't even begin to put into words the profound impact she has had on my life. All I can say is that I am the luckiest girl in the world to have been blessed with her friendship for more than half my life.

Somehow she always manages to make my birthday's special, and I always feel bad that I can never be there for her's (every year since the 4th grade). One of these years I'll be there next to her, celebrating what an amazing friend and sister she has always been to me. But for now, I hope a small blog post in her honor will do.

I love you, best friend. And even though I'm not there, I hope you have the happiest of Birthday's.

1 comment:

Cory said...

Chelsea. I feel like my comments have all been similar lately but: I CANNOT THANK YOU ENOUGH. It means the absolute WORLD to me to read/hear/see in writing the extent of our friendship and the nearly unspeakable value it obviously holds - in both of our hearts. To the only person in the universe who loves me for absolutely anything I say or do (I JUST NEED a trashcan, Chels - Vegas 2010, anyone?): I love you more than life.
