Friday, April 22, 2011

Good Friday

Happy Earth day, everyone! Besides the 40 mph winds outside in Boulder it could not be a more beautiful day. We are closing in on the last week of the semester (typing that just kinda freaked me out, I still feel like it's February!) and that means LOTS of work and projects and papers and tests. I tend to get stressed out and frantic around this time of the year but somehow I am kind of relaxed at this very moment. Other than planning on spending my Friday night working on a project on campus, I'd say I'm in a good place. For now. This weekend will be pretty busy - Bridal shower on Saturday, Easter on Sunday, and then work, work, work any spare moment I get. Hope you all are planning on a glorious weekend with lots of good Easter food, and family.

1. A song: Obviously this would be my song this week. Not only because of last night, but because it's earth day what better song could portray the beauty of Colorado than this?

2. A quote: "Each morning when I open my eyes I say to myself: I, not events, have the power to make me happy or unhappy today. I can choose which it shall be. Yesterday is dead, tomorrow hasn't arrived yet. I have just one day, today, and I'm going to be happy in it." - Groucho Marx

3. 5 things I learned this week:
-When I'm nervous I have a hard time answering questions in a coherent way.
-I'm not above giving out horrible FCQ's.
-My DVD player is above playing brand new DVD's.
-John Denver was also an actor?
-The westboro baptist church is going to be protesting my old high school's graduation because a student there wrote a letter to the Denver post about them that got published (out of all the hate mail and horrible things people say about them on a daily basis, they choose this to react to? I think I hate them more every day).

4. A picture/memory: Since it's Earth day, I must say there is very little that is more beautiful than the Rocky Mountains.

5. A takeaway: I was going to do a takeaway about Earth Day but I felt it was a little redundant so I'll just say this and then move on: do something nice for the earth this week. There's only one day a year we even acknowledge the planet we live on so let's be aware of it and try to help out in some small way, even for just one day. Now, onto the takeaway. I often feel like I don't give myself enough credit for the things I do. I had an experience this week (which I'll talk about in the near future) that I've been playing over and over in my head for days. I've replayed everything that went wrong, everything I could have done better, and played out all the "what if's" in my head. What I've been failing to remind myself of is that even if this situation doesn't work out in my favor, it doesn't mean there's a problem with me as a person. If you ever feel like you blame yourself for too much or you have negative thoughts about yourself, remember this: You are always better and more than you give yourself credit for. And I'm a firm believer that everything will work out in the end.

Hope you all have a fabulous Easter weekend and enjoy the upcoming last week of school!
[And one more time, happy Earth Day :)]

1 comment:

Katie K. said...

What? Westboro is protesting Ponderosa's graduation? Seriously? Do you have a link to the letter that was published in the Denver Post?a