Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Now is the time when I start freaking out about everything I have to get done before I leave for my internship.

I finish school on May 5th and start work on May 9th. Before all this even happens I still have to:

-Submit tons of paperwork for the company AND the school
-Take finals
-Find time to get home to Parker to pick up some things
-Figure out what I'm doing with my car
-Shut off my electricity and internet
-And somehow get myself emotionally ready to leave for an entire summer (something I've never done before)

And on top of all this, I just realized I wont be seeing my precious kitty, Mooney for 3 months! What am I supposed to do without his cuddles and sweet meows of love? That will probably be the most painful part about leaving.

On the other hand, I am absolutely stoked for this upcoming experience. I'm going to learn so much while being able to spend time all summer with my dad, sister, and some really awesome god-siblings. I'm a total mix of emotions, sad to be leaving for the summer but so excited to get going. Less than 2 weeks now - it's insane how fast time is going.

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