Friday, May 20, 2011

Five for Friday

Gotta get myself back into a regular routine of doing my one constant post every week! I won't allow myself to drift from my blogging happiness so no more Friday Oops's!

1. A song: My sister showed me this song this week and I immediately knew I was putting it on here for my Friday post. It totally sums up my life at the moment, plus it's super catchy. Really, take a listen. I feel so motivated after hearing it.

"Something Good Can Work" - Two Door Cinema Club

2. A quote: "It was a high counsel that I once heard given to a young person, 'Always do what you're afraid to do.'" - Ralph Waldo Emerson

3. 5 things I learned this week:
-I work very well under pressure.
-Making lists and crossing things off as you go makes you feel so accomplished.
-My stanky cat, Weasley is coming to live with us in Vegas.
-American Idol is a complete joke. If the show was redeeming itself on any level, it's 100% gone now after the last few weeks.
-Leather car seats in Vegas will burn your ass off.

4. A picture: I love being in a place with palm trees again. They're just so beautiful to me.

5. A takeaway: Sometimes when you're feeling stressed or homesick or annoyed with something, the best thing is to just take a step back and take some time for yourself. I've only been alone for about an hour and already I feel loads better. I was planning on doing nothing tonight, catching up on some sleep and maybe popping in a movie but then my sister invited me to dinner and I didn't even hesitate to say yes. One hour was all I needed and I feel much better. Sometimes you just need a minute to recoup and it will help in more ways than one.

Hope everyone has a fabulous weekend!

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