Sunday, October 30, 2011

Dear October

Dear October,

You have always been one of my most favorite months because you are the absolute essence of Fall. When I think of October I think of pumpkin everything, Halloween, orange leaves, refreshing atmosphere, and I love that feeling you usually bring.

However. This time around you haven't been very good to me. This year you have brought with you heartache, snow that defiled all my beautiful leaves and killed hundreds of trees, sickness, and anxiety. I had high hopes for you, but I'm disappointed in the turn out.

What I'm getting at is.. I'm ready for you to be over. I'm ready to move onto the next month because it is SURE to be better and brighter. Colder, probably, but November already has the promise of family, possibly some frightening decisions, but most of all excitement.

I'd like to say it's been a good run, but with one day left I'm looking forward to giving you a big fat boot up your ass and sending you on your way. Hopefully next year you will bring something a little bit happier with you when you roll into town.

October, 2011 I bid you farewell and sorry I'm NOT sorry to see you go.


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