Sunday, November 20, 2011

I am thankful: 20

Today I'm thankful for growth.

I'm sitting here doing a mini-reflection on the past year and realizing how thankful I am for the person I've grown into. Now, my real 2011 reflection will be much bigger, longer, and way more drawn out than my little thankful blurbs and there will probably be many tears involved, so I'll save the heavy stuff for that post (because y'all KNOW it's coming). But as far as the mini reflection goes, I do realize how thankful I am for all the experiences I've had this year because I've grown a LOT, learned a LOT, changed a LOT (in a good way) and have overall been much happier than I have been in a long time. I started the year pretty darn hopeful with some really personal new years resolutions that I thought were probably a stretch for me, but I've done a pretty freaking awesome job of keeping them in mind. It's now November and I'm STILL keeping track of those goals from 11 months ago. I knew this year would be full of changes, but the one I'm most thankful for are the changes that have caused me to grow up a little and start becoming the adult version of Chelsea that's been trying to surface. But don't get too carried away, I mean, I'm only 22. I still have a lot of kid left in me :)

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