Monday, December 19, 2011


Well everyone, I'm officially a college graduate! Four and a half years flew by and my graduation weekend went by in the blink of an eye. My family flew in to help me celebrate and I had a great last weekend in Boulder. I miss that city already - I definitely consider it my home. I watched it disappear in my rear view mirror as I drove away and felt so sentimental and lucky to have lived in such an amazing and beautiful place for the past 2&1/2 years.

On Thursday I went to the Communications department ceremony where I got to do the whole "walking across the stage" thing, and on Friday I did the school ceremony. It was FREEZING and windy outside - like less than 20 degrees - but I decided it would be a good time to finally (after 10 years) embrace my Colorado-ness and wear a short dress. I'm crazy, I know. 
My advisor, Kristi. She got me through a lot at CU!
Friday night we had a nice dinner with the family and a few close friends and on Saturday morning we all joined forces to pack up the last of my apartment and say our goodbyes. It was definitely an emotional experience but after a long (but beautiful) road trip I finally made it to Vegas. Now I have TONS of unpacking and getting ready for Christmas on my mind, but I'm feeling calm and excited for whatever lies ahead. And my new roommates (aka, my parents) are stoked to have me here.

Thank you for all of your love, support and encouragement.
Your kind words of wisdom and advice have meant so much to me.
I officially have a Bachelor's Degree in Communications 
with a certificate in Technology, Arts, and Media
and I'm ready to take on the world!
Hire me!

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