Tuesday, January 24, 2012

La La Land.

My weekend in LA was pretty magical if I do say so myself. It was definitely a trip for the books because not only did I get to spend some much needed time with my person, I feel like I got some intense clarity that I have been lacking in my life for quite some time. There comes a point where you keep continually seeing things through a certain lens and miss everything outside of it. Sometimes it's good to take a step outside and look at things from a different angle. It makes you look at life in a different way - even if it's only for a passing moment. But even if it doesn't last long, it gives you a sense of rejuvenation, refreshment, and above all, clarity.

The intense talks, laughter, story sharing, tears, and complete respect and non-judgement we have for each other is exactly what I needed at this time in my life. Someone who points out and reminds me that I'm awesome and have nothing to fear. Someone who I trust completely with every ounce of my being to protect me and advise me when I'm getting in too deep and remind me that good people exist. Sometimes I sadly forget these things and Cory reminds me by showing me.

Cory's big 3 - Bayan, Jill, Chelsea.

I finally got to meet the people she surrounds herself with on a daily basis, and it truly opened my eyes to something I haven't experienced in years. Kind, loving, accepting, people who immediately took me in as one of their own and made me feel loved. It was really something special. And knowing that that kind of friendship exists is something I'm grateful I got to experience.

With regards to the events of the weekend itself, when I got into town I went straight to her work and immediately had some fantastic celebrity sightings (Kate Walsh is freaking BEYOND gorgeous in person), had a couple drinks with her mom (aka my second mom), and then we went to see WICKED! Which we actually didn't see. But we went and tried to get our name in this raffle for super cheap tickets in awesome seats. And even though we didn't win (and therefore didn't want to pay the regular price since we both had already previously seen it), we still had a fabulous time frolicking around Hollywood in desperate search of a drug store for advil - which we never did find. But even so, it was a wonderful, spontaneous night that ended up kind of just going wherever the wind took us.

And yes, I really did lay down on Hollywood Blvd. I guess that makes me super disgusting. And to answer your burning questions, NO I did not lay in someone elses puke, blood, shit, or contract herpes or any other form of diseases. Sorry to disappoint, but get over it and stop being so jelly for goodness sake :)

Friday, we went to Disneyland - or as I like to call it, happy therapy time. I seriously did not have one negative thought that day, except maybe when I got motion sick after going on Star Tours (of all the rides...really?) which was lame. But I didn't even care because I was just so damn happy to be there that nothing in the world could have brought me down.

Saturday I went down to Newbury Park and spent some time with my family, which was great. It's another time when I felt clarity. Driving to meet them felt so natural and homey. Sometimes I really have this intense feeling that I've always been destined to move back to California someday. I just know in my heart that it's always the place I feel the most at home and happy, which I've never 100% felt anywhere else I've lived. That night we went out to a bar called "Happy Endings" (perfect, really), danced, met some really fun people, and spent all day on Sunday in bed recovering. It was perfection.

I was sad to leave on Monday, but I got up at the ass crack of dawn (literally, 5am when the sun was still hours away from rising) and drove back to Las Vegas in the pouring rain. I watched the sun attempt to peak its way through the clouds while I sipped an iced coffee and listened to a Chelsea-Cory playlist and soaked in how free I felt. I couldn't have asked for anything more.

I'm feeling refreshed, positive, and optimistic for where my future is going to take me and I have Cory, her amazing friends, LA, and DISNEYLAND to thank for this new found clarity.

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