Thursday, January 5, 2012

Top 10 List: Best Memories.

For the first 2 weeks after I got back to Vegas I was really busy with all the excitement of the holidays and moving in, but now that it's all died down and the silence is setting in I'm realizing how much of a joke my life currently is. I don't have a job yet so I spend my days on my computer looking for potential jobs even though nothing sounds even remotely related to me, just found out I'm not allowed to work out until I get an MRI because my back has most likely been BROKEN for 6 YEARS, and all my friends out here actually have lives. So while I'm in this state of boring nothingness spending my days in front of a computer screen and taking knitting classes with my mom (yes, this is what it's come to), I've been looking through old pictures of happier times to remind myself that at one point I was actually enjoying myself and that I am capable of living young and wild and free.

So today, completely out of sheer boredom, I give you my top 10 best memories ever. Because living in the past is more fun than sitting on my ass and not getting out of my pajamas all day.

10. Junior Homecoming
Homecoming 2006

This was probably my favorite high school dance because I asked my best friend, Taylor to go with me on a whim and we had the best time ever. We didn't have a care in the world and just had so much fun getting all dressed up (even though the hair lady fucked up my bangs) and dancing the night away to Ignition Remix and Grind With Me (bahaha). We probably had the most fun out of anyone in our group because we couldn't stop laughing the whole night. It makes me smile just thinking about it.

9. Senior Prom
Best Prom date ever.

Another dance where I got to go with my best friend. This time, Mr. JD Raab. I will never forget this night because he took all my cares away and just made me feel so special. We had such a great time together and I'll never forget it. I couldn't imagine finishing out high school any other way. He was the best prom date ever :)

8. Jayrock

The annual friendly talent competition between all the different sports at KU. Swimming & Diving dressed up as zombies and learned all the moves to "Thriller" and we rocked the shit out of that stage. Without being biased, we WERE the best...and we didn't win because we were totally robbed! It was so unfair. But we got 2nd place, even though we knew in our heart of hearts that we were #1. Always and forever, ladies.

7. Junior Prom
Aleck, Jill, Tara's date (?), Tara, Ryan, Me, Carlos, Brett.

Best. Prom. Ever. And it was my first, so it was extra special. I got a HUGE migraine on the way home from the dance - like about to puke, bad. So when we got back to Jill's house to change for after-prom, I took some advil and chugged a mountain dew which made my headache go away, but also made me SUPER hyper. I bounced back from that headache and was bouncing off the walls. A giggly Chelsea is a great Chelsea and the rest of the night was just outrageous amounts of fun with zero sleeping until the next day.

6. Protesting the Westboro Baptist Church
Judge not that ye be not judged.

This hateful group of hating haters showed up to protest in Boulder and so of course I had to go. And it's one of my all time favorite memories because it was SUCH an adrenaline rush to be surrounded by tons of people in Boulder who all showed up to stand for the same thing: love. You would not believe the number of counter-protesters that showed up. And for one day, it didn't matter what your political affiliation was, your sexual orientation, what group you identified with...we were all unified for human rights and respect for all people. It was thrilling and gave me so much hope. God I miss Boulder.

5. Winning the NCAA National Championship
Rushing the field house.

My freshman year at KU the Jayhawks took the national title in overtime of the most exciting basketball game I've ever seen in my life. And afterwards, every single person in the town of Lawrence, students, families, teachers, everyone rushed down to Mass Street and celebrated for the next week straight. It was such an exciting time and I will never forget being a part of it. I can't even describe how exciting that night was.

4. My Cousin Sara's Wedding
Bride and her cousins.

My first time ever in New York spent in the Hampton's on the beach for my cousin's wedding to her soulmate. It was the most beautiful thing I've ever witnessed. We spent her last night as a single lady at the "Awesome 80's Prom" in NYC which was a FABULOUS bachelorete party and then celebrated her wedding day with friends and family. And I might have fallen in love with one of her husband's brothers that weekend. Who knows.

3. Disneyland
Happiest place on earth.

This is one of my favorite memories of all time. We woke up at the ass crack of dawn to get there right when it opened, and we ran around the entire day riding every ride twice and singing all the classic Disney songs while we stood in line. I felt like a kid again at the happiest place on earth. It was seriously one of the best days of my entire life.

2. Tyler Laurin
T-Jingle and C-Jingle.

Better known by me as T-Jingle. That nickname spawn from one of our many summer nights spent laying on the driveway laughing about nothing at all. I miss him so much. He's one of the best friends I've ever known and we always have so much fun together, mainly because he makes me laugh more than anyone on the planet. Oh, and we REALLY like rolling around on the floor singing Incubus songs to each other. Some of my best memories are with this guy.

1. 21st Birthday

Probably the best weekend I've ever had to date. 4 straight days and nights of partying with my closest friends and family in Las Vegas. We each drank several hundred margaritas and got dressed up and went clubbing every night. It was outrageous and wild but it was the best birthday I've ever had. I could relive this one every day for the rest of my life and never get tired of it.

So there you have it, 10 of my best and favorite memories :)

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