Thursday, May 21, 2009

economic woes.....


Seriously people. I am becoming one of those people who has less than $200 to her name. And my parents are starting to put pressure on me to help out with my rent for next year. I know I have been given a lot in that my parents are paying for college and everything but for the most part, I pay for everything else. They have never bought me a tank of gas since I got my license 4 years ago. I have bought pretty much every piece of clothing I own (minus a few things I have gotten for Christmas and such) and every time I go out for lunch with a friend or to the movies I never ask them to pay. I would say I am doing a pretty good job so far, but if I don't get a job soon, I wont be able to do it for much longer.

PLUS, living in Boulder, CO is significantly more expensive than Lawrence, KS.

The other thing...I put off job searching which I know I shouldn't but I do because I get scared. I literally hate going into a place and asking them to hire me. For some reason it just freaks me out. And my last job in Kansas was AWFUL. I mean, TERRIBLE. The people were so horrible to me. It was like they were a family and I was the outsider and they didn't even care to let me in. So unlike my first job in CO. I loved that job so much. I swear if that restaurant hadn't closed down I would be working there again.

UGH I hate this economy. I really, really do.



Jason A. Sauvain said...

Have you tried Noodles?? you could train here and then transfer to the boulder one. We have a CU girl who transferred to our store for the summer. let me know. I can talk with Deb etc. and see what we can do.

Unknown said...

YES!! that would be amazing if you talked to her for me! i sure would love working with half the gang again :)