Tuesday, May 19, 2009

go greeeen.

There's something about spring cleaning that's really peaceful. You can breathe a huge sigh of relief after you get rid of the useless junk you thought you would one day need. Just last night I cleaned out my closet which I don't think I have EVER done at this house...and we have lived here for like 8 years.

I found old diaries that made me laugh hysterically, but they also brought back so many memories of my move to Colorado and how miserable I was. It's hard to accept things you thought would never happen but when you look back and are able to say "everything happens for a reason," it gives you a little bit of closure. Some things I still hope I will be able to say that about one day, but for now, we DID move to Colorado for a reason. If we hadn't moved here, I would never have advanced in diving, my brother would not have the best juvenile Diabetes facility in the country, and I would never have met people who have changed my life.

Back to spring cleaning. I feel good about doing it because I found so many things that I will never use or think twice about again that other people might. I have two enormous trash bags filled with clothes to donate to Good Will, 3 jackets to donate to Coats for Colorado in the winter, and several stuffed animals that could make some children who don't have any, very happy.

Here is where I stand on my soap box and promote recycling, and my "everything happens for a reason" philosophy. I don't throw things away so that one day when I DO realize I need to get rid of them, I also have the opportunity to GO GREEN and recycle them. Donating things to the poor is a really fulfilling form of recycling. It makes sure your old belongings go towards something useful instead of throwing them away. And, a really good upside to doing this is that you can claim donated clothes on your tax return and get more money in your tax refunds. So why wouldn't you?

I know. I just wrote a blog on recycling. But I just don't see how some people absolutely refuse to do it when it's so easy and goes towards a good purpose. Some people I know refuse to do it simply because they don't want to be known as a "tree-hugger" or a "hippie." It's all stupid excuses and has nothing to do with politics or your beliefs. In my opinion, it's mostly about morals. It can be really helpful to others in need, our world, and help you even save money. So come on people, GO GREEN! Do your spring cleaning and feel great all around.

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