Sunday, May 31, 2009


I don't really know what to write about at the moment but I feel like writing something so I'll ramble. It's my blog right? No one even reads it.

I had to take all these placement tests online for CU today. Completely frustrating and irritating and annoying and showed me just how far behind I am. I figure I'm either going to get placed in the wrong classes, aka ones I've already taken, or not get put in anything I need because of late enrollment. UGHHH.

I finished season 3 of Grey's Anatomy tonight with my mama. It was a painful ending. And now we are number 32 or something on the wait list for season 4 at the library. It's gonna be hard waiting for that one....Grey's has slowly become my summer obsession and basically my only friend. Sad and pathetic, I know.

Not looking forward to waking up tomorrow at an ungodly hour during the summer, but I need the money, and I am SO grateful for the job. So in that sense, I'm looking forward to it. I'm going to bring my laptop and some movies over and hopefully just relax and blog and listen to the rain. (Assuming it's still storming tomorrow. I hope it is.) I also need to get out. It's not healthy being cooped up here all day every day.

On to the next doctor TV show obsession until Grey's comes in....Scrubs. What is with me? Why didn't I become a doctor? HAHAHAH what a joke.

School neeeeeeds to start so I can have something practical to focus my energy on besides television.

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