Yes, I know. I have conformed to the mass outrage of teenage girls drooling over a vampire romance novel and wishing they had an Edward Cullen to save them.
Well, I'm not obsessed. The movie was good, and the 1st book is pretty good too, but that doesn't mean I'm a crazed Bella Swan-wannabe.
I started thinking about WHY girls get so sucked in. It's because Edward takes care of her and makes her feel like she's the only thing worth living for. Who cares if he's a vampire, he treats her like a princess. Who wouldn't want that? Sheesh.
Anyways, the only reason I'm reading these now is because of my babysitting job. I absolutely cannot stand to sit on the couch all day with 5 year olds watching Dora the Explorer and Spongebob Square Pants all day. I mean, love the kids to death, but I don't do 5 year old TV. It's much better to read something interesting than listen to that. (ps. they watched an episode of Barney, and I won't lie...I def have seen it before. When I was their age. And, I remembered it.)

Why am I all into reading you may ask? I find that when I'm actually interested in what I'm reading, and I'm not forced and have no time limit on finishing (aka, school) I actually can enjoy it. It's like getting sucked out of reality for a while and that's kinda nice. Especially when you are bored or sad or whatever, it kinda helps you escape in a way, or forget. Much better than drinking I would say. HA.
Well, I thought this (^ ^) was funny. I swear I'm not obsessed. It's just plain funny.
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