Saturday, June 20, 2009

Epic Movie Summer.

Just saw "The Proposal" !!! I was so excited for that movie to come out so me and my mama and brother went this evening. It was super cute. Not like one of those movies that are thrown-together-for-summer-because-no-one-has-anything-to-do-but-go-see-movies-so-they-make-a-lot-of-money-even-though-they're-junk kinda movies. It was actually pretty good.

"Year One" on the other hand.....WAS one of those movies described above. It looked really funny and entertaining but it was just one of those movies that shows all the funny parts in the commercials and then you're kinda disappointed in the end. I wasn't surprised by any means, but a little disappointed, yes.

However, this summer is packed with movies. It is going to be epic. I absolutely cannot wait for Harry Potter 6 to come out. I was actually just saying to my mom how I haven't been that excited for it because I feel like they are slacking. They were supposed to release one book/movie per year until it was over and it has definitely been 2 years since book 5 came out. The actors are probably 20 now when they are supposed to be 16. So in that sense I guess I have high standards since they have definitely been taking their sweet ass time in filming and releasing.

Pretty sure I need to see these movies too:
-HP 6 (obviously)
-The Hangover
-My Sister's Keeper

I have actually realized and been more aware of this since I took 2 college level fiction classes, but I am a tough critic now that I can see through bad writing, unlikely settings, and horrible dialogue*. So, I hope each and every one of them lives up to my expectations.
*On that note, Stephanie Meyer, "Twilight" author, is not a very good writer. She has great ideas and tells a great story, but she must have had an AWESOME publicist because her dialogue sometimes is redonk! Love the books, but that has been on my mind lots since I started reading. NOTE TO WRITERS: DO NOT USE THE WORD "UM" EVER. IT MAKES YOU LOSE CREDIBILITY.

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