Friday, June 5, 2009


Week one of Weight Watchers was not as successful as the standards I had set for myself. I should have known better, I was just so excited and motivated about getting back on it. I didn't do bad or anything, I'm down 2.6 pounds my first week which is actually pretty good in the weight watchers world. On a normal week, 2.6 pounds is actually a lot. So maybe I'll do better or the same for next week.

On another note, I think I'll be heading back to my hometown of Newbury Park, California at the end of July! I am really excited. Normally at this time of year I start craving the ocean and my family and friends and the sun and oh boy could I use some of that right now. It's all I can do to not think about getting out of this town for a while.

My apartment in Boulder is all set. The lease is signed and I'll move in on August 1st. Or at least start paying rent that day. The actual start date of school isn't until the 24th. Until then, I'll keep thrift store/garage sale shopping for awesome things for my new pad. So far I have gotten the following items for great deals:

-A wooden coffee table
-A small cute, adorable, little coffee maker
-A toaster
-A George Foreman Grill (yessss)
-An assortment of silverware, bowls, and cups
-A crock pot

Keeping my eyes out for more treasures. I still need a love-seat of some sort, a bed, a dresser, and some other random items like a dvd player and a microwave.

On top of all this, I have been quite lonely lately. Really to the point where I feel helplessly worn down and sad. Maybe it's the romance novels. Maybe its the actual fact that I am reading of all things, out of boredom. Maybe I'm really just getting to the point where I am sick of being alone. Maybe I need to start making some least favorite thing to do.

Anyways, as I'm waiting for my rented i-tunes download to finish, I am rambling. I guess I'll get back to reading. I finished Twilight this morning and now I am head first into New Moon.

Good night blog-o-sphere and anyone who happens, out of chance, to (still) be reading.

1 comment:

Jason A. Sauvain said...

You're gonna have to explain to me why you even need weight watchers. :)