Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Ahhh :)

Well I was GOING to say "Happy 150th Post to my blog" but I forgot and now this would be number 151. Soooo...moving along!

I just found out we get to go home to California for Christmas which makes me so so so happy! I love spending time with my family and seeing my friends from home. California is where my Christmas's have always taken place since I was born, so getting to go home for it for the first time in a couple years is going to be amazing. It's not Christmas without the whole family in sunny California.

On another note, I got a 99% on my physics exam....? How the hell I pulled that off is a miracle to me! But I'll take it!

I have some D.P. Dough on the way (for those of you who don't know what that is, its this AMAZING calzone place that makes the BEST calzones and cookies!) and it's totally and completely Fall now, and I LOVE IT! It's so beautiful here in Boulder, Colorado.


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