Friday, October 30, 2009

Another post for my lovely Digital Media Class!

A) What are some characteristics of blogs?
-Some characteristics of blogs are the ability to post more than just words. Pictures, videos, links to other websites, lists, etc. Also I would say, the ability to show your personality through your own personal page by means of design.
B) What are they useful for?
-Blogs are useful for a lot of different things. Many people use them as an online journal for expressing their opinions, sharing stories, and sharing content. They connect people from all around the world and allow people to write freely about whatever they wish.
C)How are blog posts a distinctive type of writing?
-Blog posts are a distinctive type of writing based on how each individual writes. Some people post very short blogs that don't say much but say a lot at the same time, others use it as a journal and write longer posts with more details. They are also more creative than formal writing in that you can post pictures, hyperlinks, videos, or anything to add to the post.
D)How might blogging be an effective extension of learning in the classroom?
-Blogging might be an effective extension of learning in the classroom because if a professor was to have a blog that they posted in regularly about classroom topics, it would be more interesting (in my opinion) to read that than to read an article or a chapter from a book. It also would be adhering to technological advances that most people in this generation are "down with."


Lori said...

nice post Chelsea! It would definitely be interesting for me to post my own thoughts or reading via a blog rather than distributing reading as a pdf.

Haley DiBiase said...

I really like this post! That is a very clever proposal for teachers to post class topics. That would be a lot more interesting to read compared to a fifteen page article online. I also agree that blogs are very personal. Many people write about daily happenings or some significant experience they have had. Others may simply post hyperlinks to news articles.

Sean said...

Hey Chelsea, Good to the point answers to the class questions. I like how you described blogs as being able to express yourself with a web page. I added a pic to mine and will probably update it if I can find the time. It might give me something to do over break if I'm laid up after shoulder surgery.
I like the down to earth answers. Thx for the comment on my page.
I agree that the type of writing depends on the person. I use facebook right now b/c it helps stay in touch with friends scattered about the world.
(apologies if this is jumbled, trying to finish the Sunday cram before dinner, I left everything until now)

Anonymous said...

I agree with a lot of the things that you had to say. I think that blogs are a great way to get ideas and thoughts out to people. Blogs connect friends and family together, and allow people to meet new people and share and compare ideas. I also agree that blogs really bring out people's personalities and you can tell more about people after reading about what they have to say.