Friday, October 9, 2009


Sometimes I have a really hard time falling asleep at night.
It's now 2am and I have a 9:00 class to get to in the morning.
If I fell asleep right now I would get 5 1/2 hours of sleep.
But I need at LEAST 9 hours to function at my best.

So, what to do at this hour?
Some website I just looked at said to write down all the things you are thankful for before bed.
So here goes:

-my amazing family
-my best friends
-being able to go to school
-having support in my life
-my health
-my guardian angel
-hope for the future
-time I have been given

Maybe I can get some sleep now. Off to try. <3

1 comment:

Let The Wookie Win said...

I did that same exercise last week..... it just made it worse when I couldn't come up with too many things I was thankful for other than the fact that I'm alive lol