Monday, February 1, 2010

Happy 200th Post!

This post marks my 200th post on Chellyyyyy! I must say, I am very proud of how long I have been with this blog. It's a mile marker, for sure! (Here's how excited I am.)

So, for my 200th post, I have some things to say.

First: Happy Birthday to my big sister, Ashley! Thank you for being there for me through so many obstacles in life, and also for being my role model. I don't get to see you nearly as often as I'd like, but each time we are together means so much to me. I'm so glad to finally be at the point for us where 11 years age difference is not so far apart. I love you.

Second: My goal for the next 50 posts is to write something everyday, or every other day that makes me happy. I want to keep spreading the positive in life! (I also would like to gain more followers, so hopefully this will be a help.) So here is something I like! So cute!

Third: As much as I truly dislike the month of February, I am going to try and make it a good one with positive attitude, hard work, and self-betterment goals. Happy February everyone!

1 comment:

Sean said...

Right on!!! I saw this about a week ago and posted it to my facebook page...then got a bunch of crap from a buddy out in San Diego about that being like four months old.
I love it.
How you been?
I've been cramming calculus and chem into my head since the semester started.