Friday, December 17, 2010

Countdown to Christmas: 7 days!

[One week left until Christmas and I couldn't be happier that it's almost here. I can't wait to be surrounded by the people who love and care unconditionally and make this life worth all the hardships.]

With one week left until the big day, I first have a couple happy things to say that hold lots of Christmas miracles and joy.

First, happy holidays to all gays and lesbians who can now openly serve in the United States military! What a seriously happy step forward for this country. The repeal of DADT could not have come at a more perfect time. The holidays are about togetherness, and this is a HUGE step toward unifying this country. It's a Christmas miracle and I'm thrilled :)

Second, usually at this time each year I am filled with anxiety about how my grades for the semester turned out, but this year I can officially, on the record say that I got the best GPA of my college career! I'm probably more excited about it than I should be, but I worked really hard this semester and I'm really happy about it. It's going to make the long break that much more rewarding and happy.

Onto some Holiday cheer! Some of my favorite Christmas lyrics of the season:

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