Thursday, April 7, 2011

An Exercise in Sleep Delirium

After running on about 4 hours of sleep two times this week, I'm finally to the point where I can't keep my eyes open for one more second. (But I will. For you.) The good news is, this day of hell is over and it was slightly better than I was envisioning. I had a big test bright and early in the morning followed by a mini freak out session over a paper I did only halfway wrong, followed by the submission of that paper in which I apparently plagiarized 26% of (and then removed one quote - which was cited, I might add, and it went down to, followed by learning that my speeding ticket from December is going to cost $170 (pocket change, right?). All in all, it wasn't as bad as it could have been.

There always seems to be (at least) one day each semester (aside from the day you enroll for classes which automatically takes the win for worst day of the year) that you have multiple tests or papers due and it seems like no matter how much preparation you do, it's just going to suck. This semester's hell day is officially over and I can proudly say I got out of it alive and in much better shape than I predicted. But now it's time to pop in a movie, lay my head down for longer than the length of a nap, and close these bloodshot eyes while drifting into dreamland. If you're lucky, maybe I'll even send you one of my famous sleepy time texts with made up words which is guaranteed to make you laugh and wonder "what the frig is wrong with her?"

My point dear friends, is that this post is clearly an exercise in writing in a delirious state. Kind of fun, yet kind of awkward. Just like this picture of me and my siblings having happysleepy time in the car. It perfectly encapsulates my current state of being (that being, sleep anywhere, right this second). Plus, I love 'em.

[Good night.]

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