Friday, April 29, 2011

Last Friday of Spring Semester

Once again, the week has come and gone, and this time it's taking school with it. Today marks the last day of my faux-senior year of college (even though I'm SO thankful I have one more semester left). I'm feeling a little nostalgic about it but ready to continue moving forward (for the time being). I know I say this every week, but time is flying faster than I can cope with right now and everything around me is changing at a rapid pace. Yikes.

1. A song: This song is the perfect combination of one of my favorite singers and one of my favorite poems in the entire world. I'm so happy that this magic happened (this video is junk, but the song rocks).

2. A quote: "Too many people grow up. That’s the real trouble with the world, too many people grow up. They forget. They don’t remember what it’s like to be 12 years old. They patronize, they treat children as inferiors. Well I won’t do that." -Walt Disney

3. 5 things I learned this week:
-Flash is not as scary as I initially made it out to be.
-My family will be officially moving to Vegas this summer.
-Putting money in a vending machine is risky business. I'm never doing it again.
-The royal wedding is the biggest event this country has seen in years...and it's not even in this country!
-I will no longer have to go 3 months without cuddling with my precious kitty, Mooney (whew).

4. A picture/memory: Just reminiscing today about some of my favorite memories from my freshman year of college. It seems so close yet so far away now. I miss these girls every day. It's hard to believe I've already been at CU for as long as I was at KU.

5. A takeaway: Today on campus, I saw an old friend from middle school and high school walking off in the distance. I don't know if he saw me or not, but I could see him smiling and walking across campus, just kind of taking everything in. He's graduating next week, so this really is his last day. It got me thinking about how fast time goes and how short each experience is. It's already been 4 years since I started this college journey, and although it's not entirely over for me yet, for some it is. My high school's graduating class is now graduating from college. It still feels like just last year that I left high school. It's scary and weird and makes me so nervous. 4 years is such a short while which is why we all need to be like my friend on campus and take in every possible second of this time before we enter "the real world." I'm going to spend my last free summer and my last semester making everything count and making this time exactly how I want to remember college.

If today was your last day of college, congratulations. Wherever you plan (or don't plan) on going next, good luck. You can go anywhere you want starting now.


Jenna Griffin | Gold & Bloom said...

I love that Walt Disney quote. It is so true!
Next week will be my last week as a college student and it is freaking me out! I'm not sure if I'm ready for this chapter to end quite yet...
anyways, lovely post! Have a wonderful summer, Chelsea!

Unknown said...

It's so scary to think college is already ending! I still have another semester, but if I was graduating right now I don't know if I could handle it haha. I know you will do great things after this chapter ends - hope you enjoy your last week and have a happy graduation! xo