Thursday, May 19, 2011

A Quick Note

It's hard to find the time to blog, lately! I'm still working on getting into a regular routine here so forgive me if I'm slow or random with the updates. I realize I've really only given like, 2 since I've been here so this weekend I'm planning on finding a random coffee shop somewhere and sitting down for a while to put a few things down.

Today was the first day I started to feel a little homesick. It was ironic, because I was just talking to my sister last night about how weird it was that I wasn't really homesick yet. And then just like that, it started to slowly come in. It's nothing in particular that's making me feel that way, and to be honest, my "home" is slowly on it's way out here so I really have no good reason for these feelings. My sister lives here now, my mom was here last weekend, and one of my cats is going to be out here for good on Sunday (which I'm nervous about because it's not the cute cuddly one I love so dearly, it's the smelly annoying one that I love so dearly). Also, I've been iChatting with my friend Katie which makes me feel closer to home. We've set aside a weekly Thursday night time slot for iChatting which is just amazing. Now if I could only get her to come visit me out here this summer.........

But back to the point.

I think what it boils down to at the moment is my lack of privacy here. I'm used to living by myself and getting to change wherever I feel like it or shower whenever I want or talk on the phone if I want to. So my living arrangements at the moment are starting to drive me slightly crazy. The good news is, my dad is going to Colorado this weekend to help my mom with some packing and garage-saleing so I'm going to have some alone time and I can't wait. Not that I don't love my dad and appreciate him for letting me live here, I'm just happy to be able to have a couple days with myself. I've missed me.

So, on the agenda is some serious me time with my blog, catching up on sleep, and seeing my bestie AMBURLI!!!! She's in town this weekend and I obviously NEED to see her face. So I'm looking forward to hopefully spending some quality time with her which will make me feel a little less homesick. And I can't forget seeing my God-sisters too! Now that Lindsey is back from Australia I can't wait to see her face!!

But before all this happens, I have one more day of work this week. Next week will be an interesting one with another PR intern starting and it being "Fight Week" so I'm sure I'll have LOTS to write about. Hope you are all well and enjoying the beginning of summer - more tomorrow.

1 comment:

Katie K. said...

Sneaky sneaky Chelsea! Just dropping in a reference to my tentative upcoming Vegas trip....
