Tuesday, November 1, 2011

I am thankful: 1

Well folks, it's that time of year again! My FAVORITE time of year. Because November 1st marks the beginning of the holiday season, and all you faithful long time followers know what that means for this little blog... a whole month of Thankfulness followed by a 25 day countdown to Christmas! Yippee!

So, for every day in November, I will remind myself of one thing I am thankful for - something I really should do every single day of the year but since I often fail to appreciate all the little things I'm thankful for on a daily basis, this is my happy way of building up to the most thankful day of the year.

Day one: Today (and everyday) I am thankful for my parents.

I'm so lucky to have Karen and Doug as my parents. They are the most supportive people I know. They gave me the best childhood imaginable, stuck by me through those moody teenage years, and even to this day are still encouraging me and helping me much more than I deserve. I don't know what I would do without them and their unconditional love.

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