Monday, November 21, 2011

I am thankful: 21

Today (and everyday) I'm thankful for my friends.

The ones who support and encourage, 
and share in the best of times and the worst. 
Who have been there through childhood, the (many) awkward phases,
moody teens, and pre-adulthood.
My rock.

The ones who make me laugh by singing to me in the car,
share in millions of inside jokes (this here's my whhhife),
rush over to take care of me in times of complete crisis and utter despair,
and keep me grounded when I'm out of control.
My best friend.

The ones who don't judge me
and accept me as I am,
even if what I am is a complete mess.
My soulmate

The ones who listen and offer advice
in between each irrational vent sesh.
My confidant.

The ones that love me unconditionally
through time and distance
and who keep their promises.
My girls.

The ones who I can shoot the shit with,
be crazy, be loud, be stupid, and borderline embarrassing.
My musketeers.

And even those that aren't pictured.
Those that have made an impact on my life
will always have a special place in my heart.

I'm so thankful for you.

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