Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Leap Day.

February is typically not a very monumental month for me. It's actually pretty slow and precisely the reason I really don't like "spring" (however, spring in Vegas is MUCH different than spring in Colorado - there's actually REAL spring-like weather here which makes me not hate it as much). It pretty much just drags on, and hey once every 4 years it has to drag on one extra day just to further chap my ass. So in honor of this extra day, a few things must be mentioned and shout-outs must be given.

1. Happy 7th Birthday to my God-sister, Courtney!
Ok, so she's really 28. But since her birthday falls on leap day it's more awesome (and slightly more accurate) to say she's only 7. So, happy birthday to my wonderful extended-sister who's also getting married soon and having bachelorette party madness in just a few short weeks! Can't wait to spend the next couple months celebrating her :)

2. Lindsey got into MED SCHOOL!
My other God-sister, Lindsey is one freaking smart cookie. If I had half the brains of this one I'd be good to go. But since all I can do is write while she's off learning how to cure cancer and saving people's lives, you can be sure I'll be here documenting all along the way. Could not be more proud of her and can't wait to watch her go through the next incredible chapter of her life!

3. March is here.
And thank goodness because I am just so tired of February. I'm officially deeming it my least favorite month of the year. And with the arrival of March brings a lot of things to look forward to, changes, and movement. The March line-up includes a second trip to California beginning in LA and ending in San Jose, a trip to Paso Robles (back to California we go!) for a wine tasting Bachelorette party with the aforementioned god-sisters, and my sister Ashley moving to the Bay area. I'm going to miss her so much, but the move itself requires it's own blog post so more on that later.

It's hard to believe we're already heading into the third month of 2012, but I can't say I'm sad to see the beginning of the year go. I'm ready to keep moving forward and really figure out what this year has in store for me. I feel good about it. I'm in a good place and despite being in an awkward-limbo situation, I'm pretty darn happy at the moment. So here's to moving forward and kissing February goodbye. 

I hope Leap Day has treated you well - see ya in 4 years!

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