Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Make it count.

As we dive head first into the last month of the year I can't help but take a second to be sentimental. It's the Cancer in me, what can I say? I won't get TOO far into the year-end wrap up just yet, since there is still a full month left ahead. But I also cannot believe how fast this year has come and gone. It sounds cliche, I'm sure. But a full year has come and gone in the blink of an eye.

At this time exactly one year ago I was still in college, getting ready to take finals and pack up my life to leave it all behind in search of my next move. I wasn't sure of anything and I felt more forced to leave than ready. It's sad to think about but I barely even remember that girl right now. She seems so far away from where I am now that it's hard to imagine what I was thinking and feeling. All I remember is taking a huge jump into a pool of uncertainty and just hoping to keep my head above water until I could figure out where to swim to.

With all that being said, now I'm ready for what comes next. We're about the hit the 1 year since graduation mark and to me, that point signifies the turning of a corner. I think it started rounding out a couple months ago, but starting in 2013 my path will be a little more clear, a little more consistent, and a little less bumpy. I truly have faith that good things are going to be happening in 2013.

But as much as I'm eager to see what the next year holds, I want to enjoy the last month of 2012. It's been one of the hardest and most challenging years of my life - physically, mentally, and emotionally. However, right at the very tail end I'm feeling at peace with where I've been and how far I've come. I want to bask in this for a little bit. I need to appreciate the journey that this year has been so I can REALLY appreciate what comes next.

To making December count.

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