Friday, October 14, 2011

Story Time: Part 1.

Once upon a time there was a little girl named Chelsea.
Hi, I'm Chelsea.
Chelsea was a very outgoing little girl and liked to say funny things all the time. She also had all the confidence in the world as a child and knew in her heart of hearts that she was destined for greatness. In her youth, she truly believed this greatness would be recognized when she became a famous pop star by the likes of a Spears or an Aguilera. There was not a doubt in her mind that she would one day be the most famous of them all!

 Until one day, her family packed their bags and moved to the middle of nowhere, Colorado, putting her dreams of pop-stardom on hold. As the years went by, she began to think a little more realistically about her future and decided that she would have to settle for going to college and getting a real job one day. So, she went off to Kansas....realizing later that Colorado was indeed NOT the middle of no where.

After a rough first two years of school, she decided it was time to move back home to Colorado and continue college in Boulder. She was much happier overall but half-way through her final semester of school she was sitting on her bed one night thinking about what was next. Her childhood dreams of being a pop star were no longer on the table, and her newly found passion for public relations was not coming as easily as she had hoped.

At 22 years old, young Chelsea began to think, "am I having a mid-life crisis?!" While knowing (and furiously hoping) that this was not actually her mid-life, her irrational thoughts took over as her mind began to wander into places like: homelessness, joblessness, being poor, living with her parents for the rest of her life, adopting a few hundred cats and growing old with them in a one-bedroom apartment until the day she died a lonely death all because at 22 years old she could not find a job.

While trying to calm these irrational fears, she ate a bunch of peanut butter cups, got really fat, and started drunk dialing all of her friends (except for the fact that she was sober) looking for advice yet all of them were in pretty much the exact same boat! She thought "what is my life?!" and sprawled out on her bed, waiting for a sign from the heavens that she would not become a crazy cat lady before she turned 25.

And then she had an idea.....

( be continued in part 2 when this idea occurs.)


T. VanWatermeulen said...

Love the post! I can't wait to see what your idea will be! I'll be the crazy cat lady for the both us, so you have no need to worry about that. :)

Unknown said...

Or maybe we can just be crazy ass cat ladies together!

regina said...

Nothing wrong with being a cat lady! =[ I have four kitties in my two bedroom home ... Would have more if I made more money to buy them cat houses, toys and pretty water/food bowls, but alas, minimum wage does not support this glorious lifestyle I wish for them.

I'm beginning to see everyone goes through this phase either their last semester or right after they graduate. I know I'll be a mess, but at the same time, it's terrifyingly exciting. To have achieved so much in life - YOU GRADUATED. Think of statistics nowadays. The very fact that you saw it all through, why that's a reason to celebrate! the world won't end if you don't get a career job right off the bat. No one ever does. Find a job that puts your mind at ease and save and l.i.v.e. Don't stress so much, Chelsea. =] you will do great things, but remember just how young we are. there's still so much time and so many places to see, people to meet, lessons to learn. you have the rest of your life to grow up. enjoy your youth while it lasts!